Friday, January 8, 2010

Sign Removal - Sunday?

It's only a couple days' notice, but is anyone interested in meeting this Sunday (Jan 10th) at 2pm to dismantle the remainder of the big sign? One of our neighbors took some time to really check it out and feels that it's too dangerous to leave it up (rotting posts, cracked boards, etc). Especially since it's so close to the bus stop where the kids gather.

We've received several emails from neighbors who are interested in seeing the flags taken down since they are so worn. We figure that we can pick a place to store them (some have suggested behind the Sterling trailer) so the proper owner can pick them up.

Another thing we should look at is the entrance lighting. Bulbs are burned out so let's take a look at what we need and how many. We also have several fence post lights burned out (on the fence that runs along 86th).

We have some trash that needs picked up as well.

Hopefully, by accomplishing this list of items, our entrance will look cleaner and more welcoming!


Anonymous said...

The kids and I will help out on Sunday. A couple of weeks ago tanner and Trudy mowed a lot of the grass out there and picked up branches etc... Hardly seemed to make a dent:(. Also I looked into the gate hinges for the small/broken gate. They run 30.00 a piece (need 3). I may just go ahead and order them as it looks horrible.

Pete McFadden said...

The McFadden family will be out in force! There's a lot of work to be done!

Jim Ehnborn said...

I'll bring my sledge hammer and other tools. Can we also have a couple cheerleaders? Great way to have some fun.

Rob said...

Sorry we were out of town this weekend, Let me know when the next one is scheduled.

Rob - Lot #131