Friday, January 15, 2010

Proxy Vote

Reminder: Please have your proxy vote signed, notorized and turned in to Jim E by Monday, January 18. If you have questions, need a new copy of the form, or have no idea what I'm talking about, please email the blog or see Jim ASAP. Participation by ALL homeowners is crucial in our attempt to gain control of our HOA.


Jim Ehnborn said...

Since only 40 homeowners have so far returned proxies, we will only have about 22% of the voting power at the meeting with the banks on Thursday, January 21, 2010. If each homeowner returns their proxy, we will have 37% of the voting power which is enough to have negotiating power to prevent a 2/3 vote against our goals.

Anonymous said...

Jim, do you have a list of the ones who have not yet turned this in? Maybe a evening knock on the door to remind might be needed? I am happy to call on any that might be on 229th if its not too late to turn them in (just read this 1/18.)Just give me a call, will be home about 5 tonight.
Thanks to all for yesterday, we really appreciate all your time & hard work on the gates.
Debbie Odden 253-375-7406
Lot 13

Amy Pepper said...

My husband has been working so much that we have hardly crossed paths. This has made it unable for us to get our proxy questionnare signed and notorized. What do you suggest we do as we want our support to count too??