Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Phase 3 Vandalism

Apparently a few of the septic meters in Phase 3 have been vandalized. I'm not sure when this happened, but I was notified about it last week.

The board, along with JC Higgins, is currently discussing insurance policies. The board is also throwing out ideas to hopefully put an end to all of this vandalism. Luckily, the trespassing and damage has been greatly reduced since we've been allowed to close our gates at night. But things are obviously still occurring.

Some of the ideas include:
1. Repairing the lighting in Phase 3.
2. Repairing the lighting at both entrances.
3. Cameras.
4. Signs warning about cameras.

Neighbors, do you have any suggestions? Please share, and I can pass them along to the board.

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