Friday, September 24, 2010

Neighborhood Watch & Mailbox Keys

Pete McFadden has generously stepped up to get our neighborhood watch program started. I will be sure to pass more information along as I learn it. Thank you, Pete! The board and the neighborhood appreciate this.

Rob has been in contact with the post office supervisor regarding keys for the replacement mailbox. If your household has been affected by this, please hang tight. The following is from Rob: "Once the supervisor labels and pulls keys from the assigned boxes, he will call me. Then we can go get our keys with proof of address (photo ID)." As soon as I have an update, I'll post it on the blog.


Dani said...

Today was our unlucky day! One of our vehicles was broken into this am.I am offering a REWARD of up to $500 for any information leading up to the individuals. I am trying to understand why at most times the gates are left open during non-working hours???? As I came home last night around 8pm the gates were open for a good hour?? It's a portal of unwamted guests. I am dazed and confused. HELP!

Mandy said...

Dani, I share your frustation about the gate hours. I am 100-percent supportive of having them open for realtor hours (12-5pm) but the board disagrees with me.

My personal view: the south gate is open all day for construction vehicles, so I think we should be allowed to close the north gate, with the exception of 12-5pm for prospective buyers.

Sorry to hear about your car. Thanks for letting me know though, so I can post about it.