Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reminder About Trailers, RVs, Etc

A few people have emailed us asking for a reminder to be posted about trailers, RVs, etc. According to the CC&Rs, these items need to be stored behind a fence and out of view from the street.


Anonymous said...

This is true. I believe it is one thing to have your trailors, campers, and now, even boats on the street for a minimal time(not sure the exact allowed time, but refer to covenants), but leaving these things on the street and even in the driveway for extended periods of time is not allowed. It makes it hard to navigate through the neighborhood streets when thier is so much clutter on the road. And does anyone know what the CC&R's state about parking vehicles on the vacant lots?

Jim Ehnborn said...

Parking on your driveway or other unscreend area for ONLY 24 HOURS for the purpose of loading, unloading and cleaning.

Guests may park their recreational vehicles on the street for a maximum of 72 hours each year AFTER OBTAINING PERMISSION FROM THE ACC.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been given permission by our builder to park his Washington Energy Services truck and trailer in the lot next to us. He drives it everyday to and from work. There is not another option for us to park it elsewhere. If we park it on te street people would have an issue with it as well as if we were to park it on our driveway. Due to its length, it would stick out into the street and cover the sidewalk. What else are we supposed to do?? I wish that those with the specific issue would speak directly to the homeowners. Please give me some feedback.

jennifer said...

Dear anonymous...referring to your comment above. With all due respect, and I am in no way trying to dictate what you do(Im just simply giving you some of the "feedback" you are asking for)I cannot speak for anyone around you,or other neighbors in the community, all I can do is refer you to our neighborhood CC&R's. I imagine you must be in a predicament when it comes to your husband's work truck, but I also know that alot of neighbors are next to empty lots too, and would probably find it convenient as well...being able to park a trailor, RV, or boat, etc...but ultimately, it is against the neighborhood covenants. Eventually, these lots will be filling up, and what would you do then? I know the probability of that happening very soon is low, but ultimately it will happen.Like I said, Im not telling you what to do, that is not my job...all I can do is let you know that some people might be bothered by it. That's just the reality of the situation. Hopefully looking over the CC&R's will help with any future questions? If you need a copy, just let Mandy or myself know, and we will see if we cannot get em' for ya!Sorry, if Im not much help, good luck.

Amy Pepper said...


I do appreciate your feedback. Being as though we moved into our house not too long ago, I do not know what all the rules and regulations are regarding this issue. Could you let me know where I can get a hold of the CC&Rs?? We are brand new home owners and are not fully aware of all the things we need to know. I will talk with my husband and let him know of the complaints and concerns from people and see if there is something different that might work.

My other concern is that there are others that have their RVs, trucks, etc. parked on the side of the street and on their property that is not enclosed. It is just a bit frustrating if we end up doing things differently to please our neighborhood and others do not. Hmmmmm. Just don't know where to go with it.

I do appreciate your feedback and hope that we can all work together to the best of our ability to solve some of these issues.

Amy Pepper

jennifer said...

Hi Amy, absolutely we will get you a problem!When if any this week, would be a good time to try and get them to you? I would love to drop them off myself, and perhaps get the oppertunity to meet you, and maybe your husband.

I know it's frustrating, when dealing with a community that all too often seems to be be just a big free for all. We have been trying as a community, to get our homeowners association turned over to the neighbors, because noone has had any luck with the real "HOA". Noone seems to be reinforcing our regulations, and that is sure to cause some concern, and perhaps, some friction among neighbors. It's very unfortunate! And I agree, if you and your husband are taking an active approach in appeasing those with the issue...then everyone should be right? I do know that technically, the RV's and the trailors, campers, etc...are SUPPOSED to be hidden from view, or atleast behind the confines of the individuals back fence. And I am also well aware that while some are doing what the CC&R's require, others clearly are not. But, as of right now, it's hard to enforce anything...when we as a community have no control over our so-called HOA. That is why I personally, can not tell you what you should do.

I will however, get you these documents, and will continue to be a helping hand, or listening ear, anytime you might have any question or concern!
Have a great weekend!:)