Sunday, July 12, 2009

An Idea - Neighborhood Committee

If you were at the firehouse meeting, you might recall Jim Ehnborn mentioning a neighborhood committee to help enforce CC&Rs. The topic was brought up but we somehow skipped to something else, and never went back to Jim's idea.

If we were to elect a committee of 2-3 homeowners, they would be the points of contact regarding CC&R issues. In turn, they would see that the community rules are being enforced (by way of a friendly conversation or a reminder letter to the offender). The committee would basically be an unofficial HOA board.

The blog has been a good place for people to voice concerns, but it might be time to take the next step and elect a few good people to take some action.

Suggestions are welcome, as always!


jennifer said...

I think it's a terrific idea...perhaps another community meeting? This time to appoint a few neighborhood, what about getting the word out?


Mandy said...

I will email Jim E about setting another meeting up, since he successfully orchestrated the last one.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be wonderful that people are taking a great intrest in beautifying our neighbor hood BUT what about helping to beautify the entire community. Also due to extreme over growth of weeds and high grassy areas we have a rodent( mice) problem.
One day my son was out playing in the front of the house and was FRIGHTEN by a wild coyote/wild dog? As I confronted the wild animal he immediately took refuge in the neighboring high grass on the lot next to my property. He was unharmed this time, but I do fear for his safety.
What due you suggest can be done in insuring the safety of our community? I have contacted jim Sledon,HOA, on site agents and the local news..get Jessie!! I previouly left an email for Mandy, got NO response!!

jennifer said...

Referring to comment above...I don't think I quite understand what it is your asking for. I believe all attempts made to improve the neighborhood, is also being done to improve the entire community...considering they are both one in the same. You are not the only resident here in Grand Firs dealing with neighboring high grass, weeds and even rodents. Some of us have even come to the realization that noone soon was going to help with these issues, and have taken matters into our own hands by mowing, weeding and cleaning empty lots to the best of our ability. Contact your builder, keep leaving messages with the HOA...honestly, your guess as too who to contact for these issues, are really as good as anyone elses. All we can do right now it to try to help one another out. But please don't assume Mandy or myself(if you had contacted me)has all, if any, of the answers your looking for. Talk to neighbors, and certainly do what you are doing.Being proactive is all anyone can really do right now.If we can possibly get any of the answers for you, we will certainly be letting you know. Good luck...

Mandy said...

Jen and I share the Gdanr Firs email account and take turns replying to emails. If one slips through the cracks, it was a mistake. However, she and I have never claimed to be the neighborhood representatives for getting anything done. We just set up the blog to get neighbors to share ideas, questions, concerns, vents, etc. I have no control over coyotes and other wildlife. However, it's well known that coyotes inhabit the fields and woods in the area so people should take precautions to keep their kids and pets safe from them. And if tall grass is a problem around your home, try weed-whacking it down. I live next door to a vacant lot and the grass is very tall. I figure that when it becomes a bother, I'll weed-whack it. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this blog is doing that much to help the Grand Firs community in sustaining a positive outcome for issues that have been addressed in previous months. It is quite obvious that there is no diplomacy being taken by the creators. Here's an idea: If you have a concern or problem with a fellow Grand Firs resident, try dealing with it face to face. It is too easy for someone to anonymously post a comment and then let the bickering began. For example, over the past days I have read about so called "vandalism" in the park by childeren who's mothers "use the park as babysitters," and so on. By dealing with it face to face in a tactful manner it eliminates all of the useless gossip and can leave the blog open to creative ways to truly better the neighborhood. The negativity on the blog will never solve any problems, it will only make people defensive. We are disappointed in the manner in which the creators of this blog have let it turn into a negative blog. Thank You, on behalf of several Grand Firs neighbors

Jennifer said...

I would LOVE to have this conversation infact, face to face to discuss any confussion there might be when it comes to my "diplomacy". Please know..."Several Grand Firs Neighbors", the people posting on this blog, do so at thier own will. We have no control over what someone has to say, anonymous or not. If we start "dictating" who and what posts we allow, THEN we are truley without diplomacy. So, chances are...if there is any negativity on the blog...there is negativity in the neighborhood. We cannot and donnot police the thoughts and concerns typed by people in the community. We simply have relayed what alot of people have asked us to do. Mandy and myself have absolutley zero control over the thoughts and actions of ANYONE but ourselves. This blog has been a good thing, for many people, in many ways. With all due respect, if it "dissappoints" you this much...don't log in anymore. You referred to how our blog makes alot of people defensive? Then point the blame at the blog originators...hypocritical, don't you think? I welcome anyone who has something to ask, clear up, or even shoot the breeze about, to approach me, and do so. Whenever you are ready to drop your "anonymous" status...I'll be here. To anyone else reading this, I do apologize for the distain in my response to this last comment.Mandy and I have tried very hard to appease everyone who writes into the blog, and we have nothing but the utmost respect for our neighbors, and this community. This is not OUR blog, this is YOUR blog...we just got the ball rolling, with nothing but the best of intentions.


Tricia said...

wow, I am really surprised at the tension within this topic on the blog.

I don't believe that it was ever the intention of the creators of the blog to use this blog negatively. I think that defensive is the nature of the beast. We all let off steam and the above person is correct, this isn't the place to do it. I agree too this will not solve anything.

We all know that it is a fact that the parks are looking pretty bad. Tim and I have noticed that several gates have been broken off their hinges. Maybe if we get neighborhood husbands to help fix them or do we call and have someone else fix them (hence our homeowners dues). I think that anyone is open to suggestions, but we need someone to head it up.
Tim had to talk to the kids this spring that were playing in the front landscaping. They were tearing it up. Kids are kids and sometimes we do expect them to understand adult things (such as how much money it would be to replace all the light fixtures in the front, or the gates). Just friendly reminders by us adults can be helpful.
Myself and a neighbor had to put stop signs back in the holes this past weekend because someone took them out. Again, I think that if we all look around and see if something needs done just do it. Also, if we see individuals that do not belong here (back in the back) we either check it out or call the sherriff. We already had to do that two weekends ago. Proactive is the key.
Jen and Mandy organized this blog to help (this isn't a paid postion) us all. It is really nice of them to take time out of their lives to do this.

Anonymous said...

The first thing that has to happen with this blog is people need to step up and take responsibility for their comments. If you want to be taken seriously don't sign on as anonymous.

Secondly, Jen and Mandy should be thanked for their efforts in starting and maintaining this blog, not chastised for it. Jen and Mandy are not in charge of policing our community, they have mearly provided a way for people to come toghether and express their feelings. (Believe me, I am more upset about how this neighborhood has turned out than anyone! Unfortunately our current HOA, i.e., Mastro Properties and their worthless lackey are non-existent).

Finally, our neighborhood does have a lot of kids and sometimes they do seem to be everywhere, but frankly they have as much right to be in the development as anyone else. The fact that our neighborhood has FOUR parks would lead most home buyers to believe that this development would be kid friendly. With that said, I agree that kids should be respectful of adults, have a "resonable" curfew, stay off the streets, and stay off other people's property.

Lee Zarella

Mandy said...

Anonymous: Your post is rather hypocritical. You seem to have no problem chastising those who write anonymous comments while remaining anonymous yourself? The posts on this blog don't reflect the opinion of Jen or myself (whether we may or may not agree with them). We save our opinions for the comments section, as our neighbors do. Many of our posts are prefaced with "we received an email regarding this" because when we started the blog, we made it clear that neighbors are free to email us with topic ideas.

The blog has been positive in several ways. The parks now have trash cans and are (for the most part) cleaner than they've been in the past. People are more vigilant about calling the police when they notice suspicious activity. The "adopted" vacant lots on the Reich street look wonderful. We held a great BBQ with a large turnout. Several neighbors took part in our first community garage sale. Neighbors know who to contact regarding farm stench and fly problems.

I truly believe that the blog has had much, if not everything, to do with the above list of POSITIVE items.

The only negative aspects of the blog are people who choose to stir the pot by writing mean-spirited, accusatory ANONYMOUS posts. Jen and I are friendly, approachable people and several of your neighbors will vouch for that. Anonymous: Take your own advice and talk to Jen and I face-to-face about your concerns.

And on a side note, the post by Anonymous sounds an awful lot like an email that Jim Selden sent to me a while back. He said that several people disagree with our blog. Jen and I have yet to meet any of these people. We average 1-2 positive emails each day. If you feel so strongly about our "negative", then where are you? Email us.

And PS: If I knew who was vandalizing the park, I'd be more than happy to confront the punks and their parents.

Crystal and Shawn said...

Thank you Mandy and Jen for all you do to help improve our community.:)

Lisa Collier said...

Hey Neighbors!
I was not able to attend the mtg. at the firestation. Was there a rep. from the HOA there? Who is our HOA president? I realize we will not have the association turned over to us until this development is almost complete..which is standard practice. I've been on HOA boards in the past and this is what happened in our last develoment. We are all concerned, especially in this time of real estate downturn, what is going to happen to our development. We all bought homes in here with the hope of making a wise investment and having everyone cooperate regarding the CC&Rs would be great, but my concern is that we as neighbors don't police each other, if at all possible. I think it is vital that we have someone outside of our community who has clout. Someone that we can go to who will enforce the CC&Rs. We can't do that until we take over this HOA...then we can go through the CC&Rs..tweek them if need be and create a fine system that gives us clout. Through experience I've found that a third party, hired by the assoc. is best in sending out infraction notices so there is peace in the neighborhood. Anyway, who do we turn to and what are the dues paying for? Thanks to everyone for making this a friendly and beautiful neighborhood!
p.s. my husband is a detective with the county and has gone to the back 40 many times to scare off our unwanted visitors..keep up your vigilant watch. We moved in 3 yrs. ago in Nov. and before we could get our fence up our dog was killed by a coyote...if hungry enough they will come to find food in the neighborhood...just keep an eye on small pets. Fish and Wildlife will not do anything about the coyotes unless they prove a danger to humans. We moved into their home...guess we all have to learn to get along!