Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Update: Tacoma Power

A lot has been happening in our neighborhood lately. I apologize about being a little slow to pass this information along. Look for several new posts in the next few days.

Issues regarding Tacoma Power: They've threatened several times to shut our power off. Thankfully, Jim has been able to work with them to keep that from happening (for now at least). There has been a discrepancy in which laws are to be followed when it comes to the money they are owed. Tacoma Power believes they are to adhere to state law (which would be in their favor), but we believe they are to adhere to federal law (which would be in our favor). Jim has been in contact with their legal team and is trying to work out a solution. For now, it's looking like each homeowner may be responsible for a small portion of the outstanding bill (about $9.48 for each home), and the banks will be responsible for the rest. In all, Tacoma Power is stating that Grand Firs owes over $3600.

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