Saturday, April 3, 2010

Recent Central Park Damage we go again! The park play system has been vandalised, and who ever did it was able to pull eight or so wooden planks off of one of the platforms used to climb up to the slide and monkey bars. I was able to see first hand all of the damage done, after seeing some of the kids at the park running and chasing one another with these planks. Let me just add how dangerous this is, considering each piece of wood has 4 or so screws sticking out both ends.
Just a reminder for parents whose children frequent the neighborhood parks...PLEASE inform your kids that breaking things maliciously is NEVER okay, and if they are caught doing so...parents will be notified immediately. So, a heads up to all the neighborhood parents...there is wood, and nails thrown about at the park. To avoid your children from a potentially serious injury...advise them to just leave them alone, and to avoid the kids who think it's a good idea to swing them at one another.
Some children doing the damage were caught in the act by a couple of neighbors, but I believe are just trying to figure out where they live.

1 comment:

Amy Pepper said...

It is just so sad to me that who ever is doing this could be so careless of the property that belongs to EVERYONE!