Saturday, September 5, 2009

Comment Rules

Jen and I had a talk tonight, and we're going to make a slight change when it comes to comments. You will still be able to leave comments by logging into your account, leaving your name, or remaining anonymous. However, comments will not be published until they are approved by Jen or me. The park issue has obviously touched some nerves, and a few people are becoming angry and frustrated. This anger and frustration is resulting in some comments that really don't belong here. Jen and I don't want the blog to be a place for people to argue, chastise, demean, or pick fights. We know that people will disagree, and that's okay! But please, be nice about it.

Also, it's really not necessary to leave a string of 3-4 comments where you restate the same issue. We get it. Repeated comments where the author repeats him or herself several times will be deleted.

Jen and I also discussed the anonymous feature again. We're on the fence as to whether to disable that. The concern I have with disabling it is that people will be required to create an account to leave a comment. I'm worried that it will discourage people from participating. So please, keep the anonymous comments kind and fair.

Most of the neighbors who use the blog are great. It's just a few bad apples that apparently need reminding. Thanks everyone.


Jennifer said...

In addition to this post, I would like to personally add another suggestion. From the last few comments left on the blog, I cannot help but wonder if some of the more outlandish ones are being written and submitted by children. This isn't a jab at is a real concern. I have no problem with kids leaving comments and questions, this is of course, a community blog, but the name dropping has to stop.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all.. We are "renters" here but consider this our home. Once our home in Puyallup sells we will purchase this house and become "real" neighbors. It's a shame to see how much time and energy is being wasted on this back and forth, when it seems to me, that we as parents and neighbors can resolve this very quickly. There is always going to be vandalism. This is a way of life unfortunately. But I say we all work together as neighbors and get this fixed and stop the arguing. We are all for buying some of the wood needed to repair. If we all buy a little, and with our children do the repairs ourselves not only will the issue be resolved, but the kids will now have a new appreciation for their park, and hopefully have a little more respect for watching out for what goes on over there. and hey, a great excuse for all of us to get together and bbq..

Have a great day all,
Nancy (lot 23)

Cynthia said...


I think your idea is a great one. What better way to help the kids in the neighborhood gain a better sense of responsibility and accomplishment then by helping repair the park with some of the other folks living in the community. This would be a good way to get some of the people in the neighborhood together to get to one another better as well.

Cynthia (Lot 36)