Jim and Chris replaced the broken mailbox today. Rather than purchase a new box, they simply exchanged it with another Phase 2 box that was not in use. The post office will take care of distributing the keys to the affected households.

JC Higgins received a bid to replace the mailbox for almost $1900. This included a new box, pedestal, shipping, tax, and labor. I personally didn't want to see our HOA pay that amount. I found the same box online for $1189 (no tax, free shipping and free pedestal) and asked the board if our neighbors could install the box ourselves. JC Higgins was not interested in this plan for whatever reason.
Jim approached the board and asked about just exchanging the box (with another box from Phase 2) for now. He checked with the post office who gave their approval. Mark, Rob and I decided to go ahead with this plan.
We will have to replace the mailbox eventually. But for now, we can keep our money in our HOA fund and worry about it later.
Thank you Jim for a great idea and for doing the homework! Thank you Jim and Chris for the manual labor!
Way to go guys!!!! Thanks bunches!!
Thanks guys for your hard work.
Thanks, guys. Great job and great thinking to save some money
Thank you guys! You have made my day that much easier. Very much appreciated.
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