Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Lost Ring
Live Wire Danger - Please Warn Children
PLEASE ADVISE THE CHILDREN NOT TO TOUCH ANY OF THE WIRING IN PHASE 3. It is safer to tell them ALL WIRING than to tell them that just the high voltage street light wiring may injure or kill them. Tacoma Power told Jim Ehnborn that the HOA must hire an electrician to test for “live wires” and fix the problem because Grand Firs is a private community and Tacoma Power is not responsible for maintaining the street lights or power lines. We own all of the street lights, wiring and power transformers.
A Tacoma Power Electrical Inspector was taking a break this afternoon in Phase 3. He was the inspector during the installation of the power in Grand Firs. He graciously offered to help us resolve the problem. The wires he tested were “live” and carrying 220 volts of electricity. He showed Jim Ehnborn how to turn off the circuit breakers. Since we are not able to stop the vandalism, we agreed that a safer solution is to turn off the power to the street lights in Phase 3 and lock the circuit breaker boxes. None of the boxes are currently locked. If he finds that Grand Firs has not paid the electric bill for the street lights, he will work with us to have the power remain on for the street lights in Phase 1 and 2.
Phase 3 is scheduled to be auctioned on March 5, 2010. Mastro Properties currently owes over $18 million to the bank. The lots in Phase 4 were combined with Phase 3 earlier this year for a total of 202 lots.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Grand Firs Insurance Coverage
Jim Ehnborn will be meeting with the bankruptcy trustee and the CFO this week to discuss the issue. We have a quote from an insurance agent for an HOA Master Policy with a $250,000 property damage and $2 million liability for about $1,500 premium per year for Phase 1 & 2. We are getting a quote for all 3 phases. We are requesting the courts to consider this gross negligence act committed by Michael
Mastro as sufficient cause to remove him as the President of the Grand Firs HOA. We are discussing with the banks the method of operating the HOA in 2010.
More Vandalism, 2010 HOA Issues
Phase 3
We had the chain cut on the drive thru gate yesterday afternoon. Two neighbors rechained the gate last night. The bolt for the manual release cover was broken and the trespassing sign torn down several weeks ago. The street light wiring has also been stolen from 3 sections. Two storm sewer covers have been removed from the sewers. Please use caution when walking back there. Several bolts are missing from other storm sewer covers in Grand Firs. We have contacted the Sheriff about the 29 acts of vandalism. Please report all suspicious activity to the Sheriff – 911 for ANYTHING in progress (no matter how small it may seem.. we need to catch who is doing this) and 253-798-4721 (option #1) for crimes not in progress.
I think it's time to look into establishing some type of neighborhood watch. Is anyone interested in getting that going?
We are also working with the 3 banks about control of the HOA for 2010. Jim Ehnborn met with Jim Selden for over an hour on Dec 18th discussing solutions for our issues and concerns. We also wrote to the banks and Michael Mastro on December 1st and 2nd regarding our issues and working on a transition plan. It has been very difficult
to coordinate action during the Christmas holiday. Follow up meetings are planned for this week.
Main gates
We are working with the banks and the bankruptcy trustee for a solution to collect the 2010 dues. We do not want them payable to Michael Mastro or his corporations. When we have some money collected we can have the gate repaired and closed 24 x 7.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
No News
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Missing Cat
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
News Articles
And here's another article about our favorite developer. An investor is now accusing Mastro of forging his signature.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Moving Forward
"Just wanted to let everyone know that as of tonight almost 70% of the homeowners that have paid the special assessment and have agreed to join our fight to save our neighborhood. We are not done trying to improve on that total either."
As always, we'll do our best to keep the blog updated with information as we receive it.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
We Are Failing In Our Votes
THE COURT WILL NOT RECOGNIZE OUR REQUEST if we do not have at least a 2/3 vote (67%) of the homeowners supporting our objectives as required per our CCRs. We would prefer to have 100% - 65 homeowners.
Committed: 29 homeowners (45%)
Two Thirds Percent: 45 homeowners – SHORT 16 HOMEOWNERS
Eighty Percent: 52 homeowners – SHORT 23 HOMEOWNERS
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Guest Post
Phase 2
I heard today from a reliable source today that Sterling is planning to build smaller homes in Phase 2 under the Afford A Home company. They will be a lower quality home than the Sterling line. Presently they are starting at about 1400 sq ft. They started the business building starter homes under the Afford A Home company and then formed the Sterling line. They are going back to the basics.
Phase 1
I also heard from a reliable source today that Horizon Bank has a builder ready to break ground by the end of November on the remaining Pacific Coast lots in Phase 1. It is hard for me to believe that Mastro has not already changed the CCRs for Phase 1 to allow 1200 sq ft homes. He just hasn’t recorded the document with Pierce County.
We need to get the injunction issued to immediately stop this type of construction in Phase 1 and 2. Let them build the homes in Phase 3.
We have a real deadline for raising the money. We will need to have a higher percentage of homeowners showing an interest in saving our community. The 45% participation won't work. We can’t consider going to court with less than 80%. Either we believe in and support the cause or we don’t.
(Original post)
We are looking for a notary living Grand Firs who would be willing to notorize some documents. Please contact Jim Ehnborn or if you can help.
Also, Jim is continuing to collect checks for the legal fund. Even though we have passed the initial Nov 2 deadline, we are going to continue building the fund and begin filing paperwork. So far there has been no opposition, so there is no reason to quit. If needed, Jim will accept post-dated checks and hold onto them.
Several neighbors have been granted access to the private blog (see post below). If you'd like access, create your Google account, email the blog, and we'll send you the invitation link. We'll do our best to update that blog as information becomes available.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Grand Alliance Association Blog
The address is as follows:
If you would like access to the private blog, you will need to create a Google account (can be done here.) You'll use your email address and pick a password. Once you've created your account, email and I will send you an invitation link. You'll click the link, and enter your email address and password.
Adds and extra step, I know.. but this is the best way to let people know the latest without posting it publicly.
Brief Summary From Oct 28 Meeting
As stated in a previous post, a group of ten neighbors gathered last week to hammer out a game plan for our neighborhood. Jim presented that plan to the community last night. To keep it brief (because we don't necessarily want to advertise everything on the internet), we feel that Phase 2 is more important to fight for than Phase 3. New amendments have been made to Phase 2 that will allow 1200 sq ft homes with vinyl siding and no rock/brick siding. We are concerned that Phase 1 will be amended next, if it hasn't been already.
Last night, a motion was made that we press forward with legal action and the motion was seconded. We did a quick yay/nay vote, and all those in attendance agreed to hire an attorney. Jim ran some numbers and is asking each household to contribute $150. Several people actually wrote their checks last night! (For those who haven't paid yet, please make the check out to Grand Alliance Association and deliver it ASAP to Jim on 229th. Or email the blog and I'll make sure your check gets delivered.)
So for now.. an LLC is being formed (since we don't have control of our HOA) and an attorney is being hired. We are going to push for control of the HOA, and we are going to try and have the Phase 2 amendments thrown out. Jim wants to start next week.
HUGE thanks to the many neighbors who took the time to be at this last-minute meeting. Also, I wanted to take a moment to recognize and thank Michelle. She's devoted a lot of her own time to this process and is responsible for uncovering some very important information. Thank you, Michelle! We're lucky to have you.
Side note: As we get further into the legal process, I'm going to be reluctant to put information on this public blog. Jim, Jen and I are talking about creating a side blog that would be password-protected. It would contain info related to legal matters, and only people in our community would have access. Thoughts?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
**IMPORTANT Meeting - Oct 28**
It's crucial that we have as many households present as possible (renters too!). Important decisions will be made at this meeting that affect us all. So please, make every effort to show up so your voice can be heard!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Oct 22 Meeting
Michelle presented us with some scary new information regarding amendments made to Phase 2 (in addition to the Phase 3 amendments that were discussed at last week's meeting). Because of these amendments, the group decided that an emergency community meeting is necessary. We feel that it's time to hire an attorney, and we shouldn't wait.
A newsletter will be sent out ASAP with a meeting date and agenda. At this point, it's crucial that we have as many households present as possible. Our homes are our biggest investments.
Notes from Oct 14 Meeting
HOA Meeting 10/14/09
1) Jim obtained CCR’s for Phase 2 & 3 with state
a) 402 homes total for those phases which is same as orig. CCR’s
b) Single story homes will be 1700 sq feet minimum for Phase 2
c) 2-story homes will be 1900 sq feet minimum for Phase 2
d) 1200 sq foot minimum for Phase 3
e) No stone work required
f) Allows vinyl siding
2) Unpaid Utilities in common areas due to overdue bills
a) Water has been shut off
b) Phone has been turned off to the front gate
3) From McGravick Graves law firm Joe Zehnder tells us:
a) HOA is tied up in this Mastro bankruptcy
b) Michael Mastro has total control of the HOA
c) Banks who have liens on Mastro property will take it back in the Bankruptcy
d) Mastro intends to turn over all property and they will be foreclosed
e) There are no record of HOA, budget, financial reports since 2003
f) Jim estimated that nearly $300,000 has been paid to Mastro for our HOA
g) Washington Trust is the only bank involved in Grand Firs Property
4) Joe’s suggestion for action if we hire him
a) Contact banks
b) Talk to Mastro bankruptcy council
c) Once the property is turned over to the banks get the banks to turn over the HOA to home owners
d) Resend amendment to Phase 2 & 3 to change CCR to larger sq ft homes among other issues
e) Once we have control of HOA then ask courts for financial documents
Ashley, thank you so much for taking these great notes, and for sharing them with the neighborhood.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Meeting Recap
An attorney was present to assist with questions regarding all kinds of legal issues. Obviously, the biggest points of discussion were the Mastro bankruptcy, how to go about taking control of the HOA, and the Phase 3 amendments.
The attorney has not been hired yet. Toward the end of the night, Jim passed a sheet around to get an idea of how many people would be interested in hiring the attorney. We were asked to check yes or no. I'm not sure of the final numbers.
A few of us are meeting next week to come up with a list of priorities and figure out what our first step will be. And we all agreed that another neighborhood meeting (within the next month) is necessary. Jim will work on the date, and we'll make sure everyone is notified.
Huge thanks to Jim for organizing the meeting, and thanks to all who attended and participated in the discussion. We definitely have a good group of people in our neighborhood.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Reminder: Oct 14 Meeting
HOA Meeting, Wednesday Oct 14, 7pm, Firehouse
There are several new significant developments since the agenda was published. It is VERY important that we have a representative from each household attend.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Front Pedestrian Gates Damaged
I am emailing this for concern of more property damage. This morning Tim took my son to the bus stop. He noticed that the neighborhood boys were swinging on the gate out front. The side gate (the one that is still in working order) where the you enter via the sidewalk. He, in a nice calming manner collected the boys together and just stated, "Guys, you can play around up here, but please don't swing on the gate". We didn't want to call anyone out; however, it was a group of boys. If you wish to know if you son was involved feel free to contact Tim. He was just trying to keep out community nice.
Email the blog (address at the right) and we'll put you in touch with Tricia. Like she said, she and her husband don't want to publically point anyone out. Thanks for the information, Tim and Tricia.
Community Meeting - Oct 14
Friday, September 18, 2009
Mastro Bankruptcy
See the comments section for some information from Jim Ehnborn, who has been closely following this issue for some time.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Revisiting Issue of Kids in the Street
Is it possible to put some sort of a reminder out there for parents to sit down with their children and discuss with them the dangers of walking in the streets? I saw the post of the unfortunate accident of the little girl. That could happen at any point when there is a small child on a bicycle. However I'm actually more concerned about the children that walk down the street in the middle expecting cars to go around them, and also the children that just stop and gather in the middle of the street and give the cars trying to get to their perspective home a dirty look. It seems to be a problem with the older children that by now should know better. It might be that some parents think their children do know better and don't know their children are doing this. I just want everyone to talk to their children before we have an accident in our neighborhood. Nobody wants kids to learn a life lesson by way of getting hurt!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Great Big "Thank you!"
Park Items Fixed
Saturday, September 5, 2009
News Tribune Article
From a neighbor...
A sad reminder that tragedy can occur anywhere, even in the driveway at slow speed:
Parkland Girl, 4, Killed By SUV Pulling Into Garage, by Stacey Mulick, The News Tribune
A 4-year-old girl was killed Friday when she rode her bicycle in front of an SUV pulling into the garage of a home on 115th Street East in Parkland. The girl, whose name was not released, was declared dead when she arrived at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Pierce County sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said. The accident happened about noon in the 600 block of 115th Street East. The SUV driver was pulling into his garage and stopped for a group of kids from the neighborhood riding their bikes past him, Troyer said. When he thought all the children had passed, the driver pulled forward and hit the 4-year-old. The driver apparently didn’t see the child because of her height and because she was riding in the gutter along the sidewalk. “It appears to be a tragic accident,” Troyer said. Bystanders started CPR on the girl, who wasn’t wearing a helmet, Troyer said. She suffered severe injuries and head trauma, Central Pierce Fire & Rescue reported. A chaplain responded, and deputies interviewed the driver and other witnesses. The driver, who was distraught, was not cited. “There was no intent, no reckless driving,” Troyer said. The investigation was continuing.
Comment Rules
Also, it's really not necessary to leave a string of 3-4 comments where you restate the same issue. We get it. Repeated comments where the author repeats him or herself several times will be deleted.
Jen and I also discussed the anonymous feature again. We're on the fence as to whether to disable that. The concern I have with disabling it is that people will be required to create an account to leave a comment. I'm worried that it will discourage people from participating. So please, keep the anonymous comments kind and fair.
Most of the neighbors who use the blog are great. It's just a few bad apples that apparently need reminding. Thanks everyone.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Destruction of Grand Central Park...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Heads-Up: Suspicious Vehicle
Hello to our neighbors,
On Sunday August 2nd 2009, as my husband and I were driving through Section 3 & 4
we came upon a vehicle park at the very back cul de sac. It was occupied by three Hispanic men that were out of the vehicle and obviously drinking. This vehicle does not belong to a resident here. I believe I have seen this vehicle in the past driving around in here before. It is always occupied by at least two men. Ages are unclear, but they are not older gentlemen and definitely not teenagers. It is a small dark car. The model was possibly a Toyota or Honda. It was older looking and dirty. There were no work crews here on that day. It was about 4 or 5 o'clock. We had just come back from a drive when we came upon them. The more I've been thinking about it, the more I thought our neighbors and families should be aware. So I hope this information serves to alert our families.
Sincerely, Two Grandparents
Remember that it's okay to call Pierce County Sheriff if you observe any suspicious vehicles, people, or behavior. It's appropriate to dial 911 for anything in progress (including trespassing or any type of suspicious activity). To report something that's not in progress, call (253) 798-4721 and press 1.
Thanks for sharing this information with your neighbors!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Twine FYI
Well regarding kids on the streets. This morning I woke up and went out for my morning run and I noticed that there was some twine lying across the end of my driveway. Well I followed it back to where it was tied and someone had tied it to a water drain. It was probably strung up across the street in the middle of the night for someone to run into. I can't confirm that it was kids but one would only assume. I would hate for someone to get injured or property damaged because some kids thinks it is funny to do destructive things.
Thanks for the heads-up, Allen.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Volunteers to Spread Bark
Thanks for the offer, Nancy.
And on a side note.. anonymous comments on the blog are fine and Jen and I don't want to disable that feature. However, anonymous posts that attack specific people or attack the blog will be deleted. If someone has a personal problem with the blog, they may email us with their concerns. Thankfully, the majority of those who participate on the blog offer constructive ideas and thoughts. It's okay to disagree as long as it's done in a polite manner.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
An Idea - Neighborhood Committee
If we were to elect a committee of 2-3 homeowners, they would be the points of contact regarding CC&R issues. In turn, they would see that the community rules are being enforced (by way of a friendly conversation or a reminder letter to the offender). The committee would basically be an unofficial HOA board.
The blog has been a good place for people to voice concerns, but it might be time to take the next step and elect a few good people to take some action.
Suggestions are welcome, as always!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Park Repair Jobs
Does anyone have a little time to fix these items? Or does anyone have some extra lumber laying around to donate?
And does anyone know who is responsible for the park vandalism?
Thanks in advance if anyone can help out with the repairs!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Loud, Loitering Kids
- While the kids might be on summer vacation, the adults still have to go to work. Noise carries, and it keeps people awake at night. (It also keeps young ones with early bedtimes awake.)
- Streets are for cars, sidewalks are for pedestrians. Drivers should not have to honk to get a group of 10-15 kids to move from the street.
- Remember that not everyone has kids. While some of these issues might not be a big deal to the parents, it might be a big deal to those who don't have kids. It's important to be courteous to all.
My husband (as well as others) has talked to some of the neighborhood kids about their behavior, but it's really up to the parents to take responsibility for their kids. Thanks :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Reminder About Trailers, RVs, Etc
July 4th
1. Designate a responsible adult to light fireworks. Do not let children light them. (Remember, even sparklers can burn at temperatures of 1800º, nearly hot enough to melt gold!)
2. Use fireworks only outdoors, away from anything that can burn such as trees, buildings, bark dry fields, or wood storage areas.
3. Keep a bucket of water nearby to place all used fireworks in before final disposal. Have a connected water hose or fire extinguisher nearby to put out stray sparks.
4. Light one item at a time, move away quickly, and keep at a safe distance until the display is finished.
5. Duds can be dangerous! If a device does not light or fire, wait at least five minutes and approach it carefully. Do not try to relight. Place it in a bucket of water to soak.
6. Never throw fireworks at people, cars, pets or things that burn.
7. Never hold fireworks in your hands, or discharge them in glass or metal containers.
8. Keep pets indoors, with doors and windows closed tightly. Be sure they have identification tags in case they become frightened and run away.
9. In case someone is injured know basic first aid, the emergency number to call, and your address/location.
10. Dispose of used fireworks after soaking in a trash can with water when finished. Don’t leave a mess.
In unincorporated Pierce County fireworks may be discharged on PRIVATE property with
the permission of the property owner. Be sure to follow the fireworks manufacturer’s safety precautions.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Where Are The Flies?
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Neighborhood Garage Sale and Park Cleanup
Also, the park is needing some TLC. The weeds are becoming a problem and a few dead shrubs need to be pulled out. (Is the landscape crew supposed to weed?) Any volunteers to pull weeds? Even a few minutes would be great.. I plan on going over in the next day or so.
(**UPDATE** A very hard-working crew showed up and spent several hours doing landscape work at the park two days ago. It looks fantastic. So we can cross this project off the list.)
Final note.. Huge thanks to those who have adopted Reich yards! They are looking great.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Online Forum Launched
Feel free to create an account, familiarize yourself with the site, and join the discussion! We'll continue to maintain and update this blog, but we're hoping to move the discussion part to the forum. It should be much easier to follow. Don't forget to bookmark both sites!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Vacant Reich Houses - Yard Work
We're wondering if anyone would like to volunteer their time to help clean up some of these eyesores. The lawns are going to seed and weeds are 2-3 feet tall in the flower beds. We know people are busy enough with their own homes, but if anyone wants to volunteer an hour to mow a lawn or pull some weeds, we're sure the people on the Reich street would be grateful!
Motorcycle Ride
Forum in the Works
A couple of other things.. an anonymous person asked why we don't create a newsletter instead. Jen and I aren't creating a newsletter because we're not interested in doing that. However, Jim E has distributed a couple of informative newsletters that parallel issues raised on the blog. If you haven't received them, email us ( and we'll have one delivered to you.
Also, any negative comments left by anonymous people will be deleted. We appreciate the feedback, but we've had to delete a few comments lately from anonymous posters that don't belong on here.
And lastly, I'm asking for parents to remind their kids about bicycle safety. I watched a kid come within a couple feet of being hit by a car tonight (after dark, in front of my house). Thankfully the driver was already going slow and was able to hit the brakes when the kid darted in front of the car.
Thanks, everyone! -Mandy :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
BBQ A Success!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A couple items we still need...
- Beverages
- Grill - this is kind of important. Ours isn't very portable. Does anyone have something we can use?
When leaving your comment, please also indicate how many people you plan on bringing so everyone knows how much food to prepare. Thanks :)
Grand Firs Want Ads...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Reminder: Backflow Irrigation Test
The water district has been sending notices out, and state law requires the test to be completed annually. So give Brad and Julie a call at 253-854-0714 by Thursday night to schedule your test.
You don't have to be home on Friday (mid-morning/early afternoon). Julie will type up a report with the data and they'll send it to you.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
**3 Cars Broken Into In Grand Firs**
A handful of car prowls occurred last summer as well.
We live in a rural gated community, but please don't let this give you a false sense of security. Remember to keep your vehicle locked at all times, and don't leave valuables inside. Even a blanket or sweatshirt laying on the seat could cause a thief to wonder what might be hiding underneath. Also, keep in mind that your garage door opener (if left in your car) could give these creeps access to your home.
If you see ANYTHING suspicious, call 911 right away. If you're a victim of crime or want to report a crime not in progress, please file a police report by calling the non-emergency number (253-798-4721). It's important to get these incidents on file.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Golden Email
He said that we're not getting the run-around from him, and that none of us who leave comments on the blog are the HOA (did we ever claim to be?). He said that he's been told by "several" homeowners that they don't agree with issues on the blog (if they feel this way that's fine, but where are they and why won't they voice their opinion?). He states that we don't clearly understand or appreciate what it costs to maintain a community and this is why we have to wait until 2015 to take the HOA over. He more or less stated that those of us who have raised issues or concerns on the blog are a police squad. He finished up by writing a paragraph stating that we're all adults and if he feels that we're not acting like adults, he will refuse to work with us.
I ran into a few people last night who read the email, and they agree that it was defensive and condescending. I've always been cordial when writing to him. We have many talented, intelligent, educated, and experienced people residing in this community and it's insulting that he feels the need to reduce us to a bunch of idiots.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 22 Meeting
For those who asked me to post this, the managing broker for John L Scott Canyon Road is Stephanie Stephens. Her email address is . Who knows if she'll do anything but I suppose it doesn't hurt to email or call.
Great seeing so many people at the meeting tonight. It's nice to see we all have the same concerns, and that we can work together to address them.
Stinky Mink and Flies
First, I called the general health department line, but the phone tree is a mess and hung up on me twice. I ended up calling 253-798-6440, which is the rodents/garbage/illegal dumping line. From the first menu, I pressed "2" for garbage/illegal dumping. At the second menu, I pressed "1" for junk vehicles and accumulation of garbage on private property (from the options, it best suited the nature of my complaint, I guess). This led me to a series of prompts where I left short recordings with my information.
They don't process anonymous complaints, so be prepared to leave your name, address and phone number.
They will ask for the specific address of the property, which is 23212 86th Ave E, Graham 98338. They will ask for the property owner's name, which is Dale Pederson/United Farms Inc (sorry to put your info on here Dale, but if you'd clean up your disgusting stinky farm, we wouldn't be having to do this). It will ask for the parcel number, which is 2009409975.
It took less than 5 minutes. I hate to pester the health department but if they receive numerous complaints, perhaps they'll realize the seriousness of the issue and take care of it. Several of us complained last year and we heard the health department told them to clean up, but who knows if the farm is complying?
And just for the heck of it, here's a small amount of info on the mink farm, aka United Farms Inc:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Found Blue Backpack
Can you let everyone know that I found a Navy Blue Adidas Backpack left where the kids catch the bus in the mornings. I looked in it to see if there was a name but there was nothing in it and I didn't want to just leave it there so I brought it home with me. Just let me know if you get anyone who says it is theirs.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Email Update
"I am not the developer of the site and as such cannot provide any consent to the HOA being transferred to the homeowners. Although the CC&R's dictate the procedure for this transfer, I don't believe it is to occur until July, 2015. That is because the developer is often required to make decisions to which the covenants provide authority to act immediately rather than having to send notice and schedule a meeting with all owners. This can be important in providing answers to builders during their construction process. Since new homes will begin construction in Division 3 within the next 60-75 days, plus there are remaining lots in Division 2, it is unlikely that the Declarant would want to permit the transfer until his responsibilities have been completed."
Backflow Irrigation Testing - Group Discount
Brad Dupleich (253-854-0714)
It gets better.. if we can get at least 5 homeowners on board, he will give everyone a discount since he'd only have to make one trip. Washington state law says the test has to be done every year, so if you're due, give Brad a call!
Easter Fun

According to our poll on the sidebar, it seems Saturday afternoons are the best time for most people to get together. We'll get a date on the calendar for a day May and have a neighborhood BBQ in the park. Stay tuned for details, and start thinking about what you'd like to bring!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Where Is He?
In the meantime, we can just continue to take care of the things that we do have control over (trash, dog/cat messes, fence boards, responsible parking, safe driving, yard maitenance, etc). Thanks again to those who have already put in some work to improve the fence and parks! Everything looks great :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Spring Is Here
If you don't have a green thumb and need some guidance, just ask someone! Feel free to post on here if you have a question or need some help. Conversely, if you are able to offer guidance, tools or even a little manual labor to a neighbor who needs it, please leave your name on here. If we all work together, we'll definitely have one of the nicest looking neighborhoods in the area!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday Easter Egg Hunt in Grand Central Park
Thursday, April 2, 2009
'Fessing Up
Still have not heard back from Jim regarding a meeting. Has anyone else had any contact with him?
Huge thanks to the great neighbors who fixed fence boards, provided trash cans and liners, etc. If you've done something to help the neighborhood, let us know by posting it! We'd love to be able to thank you and give you proper credit.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Potential Meeting
One emailer asked about the possibilty of having a neighborhood Q&A meeting with Jim Seldon. We think this is a great idea, and I emailed Jim today to see if he's interested. If/when I get a reply, I'll let everyone know and we'll go from there.
I also asked Jim if we can disregard the rules and just take the HOA over now. In this market, it's no secret that it's going to take years for this place to fill up. I'm not sure if there's anything preventing us from taking it over in a legal sense, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask. Again, I'll let everyone know if/when I hear from him. If he says no or doesn't reply, I suppose we could get a petition going.
And lastly, one of our neighbors is getting me a copy of the CC&Rs (thanks to all who responded!). My next project will be to get those online so everyone has quick access to them.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Updated Contact Information
And to avoid any confusion, the email address to contact the blog is
I've asked Jim to clarify exactly when the HOA will be turned over to the homeowners, and I'm still waiting for his response. Some of us have been told it will happen when Phase One is 75% sold, others have been told 80%. I just heard something I hope isn't true: that we can take it over when Phase Two is 80% sold out. In the current market situation, that could be years away. When I get the clarification from Jim, I will be sure to post his answer on here.
Does anyone have a copy of the CC&Rs? We never received one when we moved in (despite making several requests). I asked Jim for a copy because I'd like to post them online so we all have quick/easy access.
Again, I'd like to thank people for leaving comments and suggestions. It's nice to see that so many of us are on the same page when it comes to making our neighborhood a great place to call home. Talk to your neighbors and encourage them to check this page out, in case they haven't.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Missing Wooden Planks on Community Fence
Friday, March 27, 2009
1. Trespassers in the unoccupied phases. Many of us walk, jog and play way out in the back and it's no secret that the space attracts unwanted visitors. People drive on the grass, vandalize the parks, and leave garbage all over the place back there. A couple neighbors have inquired about placing ecology blocks in the street to block vehicle access (since no one is building back there). However, we've been told that houses are planned to go up in "45 days" (they've been saying this since Sept '08) so they are unwilling to block the street. Understandable from their point of view, but frustrating for those of us who live here. So for now, the best we can do is keep our eyes open and call the police if/when we see something illegal going on back there.
2. Garbage in Grand Central Park. It's great that so many kids enjoy the park, but let's all try to make sure that it's kept in pristine shape. With spring here, more potential buyers are walking around and we should do our best to make our neighborhood look great!
As always, please provide your opinions and feedback!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Who To Contact
(***UPDATE 3/31/09***) An email address has been set up by Jim Seldon specifically for Grand Firs inquiries and concerns:
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hello Neighbors
We'd love to hear comments and suggestions for both the neighborhood and the blog. You may leave comments at the end of each post (you can remain anonymous if you wish), or email If there's something you'd like addressed, or if you'd like to write a post yourself, email us!
Thanks for checking our page out!
(Please note that this blog is maintained by homeowners and not affiliated with any real estate agents or property managers.)