Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vehicle Break-In and Broken Gate

Dani left this comment on another post, and I wanted to re-post it here so everyone is aware. Her comment is dated 10/22:

Today was our unlucky day! One of our vehicles was broken into this am.I am offering a REWARD of up to $500 for any information leading up to the individuals. I am trying to understand why at most times the gates are left open during non-working hours???? As I came home last night around 8pm the gates were open for a good hour?? It's a portal of unwamted guests. I am dazed and confused. HELP!

Dani, thank you for the heads-up. To respond to the gate being open... right now our gate is broken. Someone tampered with the bolts on the arms, causing the motor to trip its breaker every time the gate tried to close. Now the motor isn't working at all.

In the meantime, at least one arm will be ajar. Chris is in contact with the HOA to get it fixed as soon as possible. We're hoping the motor isn't destroyed.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I also noticed that the boards were torn off the fence(again) in the Northeast corner that borders 86th on Friday.