Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Letter From a Neighbor

The following is a letter written to the blog by Grand Firs resident Lisa Collier:

Dear Neighbors;

By now we should have all received our mail-in ballots regarding the changing of the Covenants, Codes and Restrictions to exclude phase three from being required to install a sprinkler system on their lots. I know that some of you may not care to hear my opinions regarding this neighborhood, but that has never stopped me from doing so in the past...so here goes again.

I personally feel that voting to give phase three the right to not install the sprinkler system will only harm this community. I understand that the builder needs to make money, but I feel he can pass on this fairly small cost to the buyer if he chooses. We have already seen how difficult it is to maintain lawns that already have sprinkler systems. Our lots are just too large to not require one in the front lawn. It will be a constant headache for the ACC to keep up with violations regarding unkempt property and the sprinkler will make it easier for homeowners to maintain a nice lawn thus improving the look of our neighborhood.

For this change to pass only two votes from us are required (**see correction below**). If you also feel, as I do, that this would not be for our good, please spread the word to other neighbors and encourage them to vote and to vote no.

Thanks so much,
Lisa Collier

Note: Lisa emailed the following paragraph to clear up some confusion...


Oops..I made a mistake (not the first and sure it won't be the last). All the votes are needed, but only 16 yes votes (not 2) will pass the changes to the CCRs. Two of our neighbors may have already voted yes so if you feel this is important to stop these changes from going through do you think we need to put something on the mailboxes so others can be more informed? I know not everyone reads this blog. Suggestions? I hope everyone feels the need to vote no for the betterment of our neighborhood.

Thanks again,


Anonymous said...

I agree with Lisa 100%. Just take a look at the homes that have had malfunctioning sprinkler systems, those yards look horrible!

The CC&Rs were already changed once for the bad, and behind our backs no less, why would we want to allow further decreases to our property values??? If it means that Freestone has to charge an extra $500.00 (or whatever)per house, that just means I am one step closer to recovering my $200,000 loss:)

Lee Zarella

Anonymous said...

You got my vote! I couldn't agree more. They should be required to install sprinklers since it really is not that much of a cost to "pass on". Let's all get on board with this one.

Lot #1

Cynthia Davis said...

Lisa, I could not agree with you more. I already cast my vote and hope others feel the same way that you and I do. The way I see it, the builders can always increase the costs of the houses by an extra $3,000 or so to recoup the cost of installing the sprinkler systems in the front yard of Phase 3.

Cynthia Davis

jennifer said...

So, Freestone only needs 2 yes votes from all of us in order to proceed without front yard irrigation? That seems like a shockingly low amount of yes votes to me. Why is that? Im thinking I already know 2 people that have voted yes to this request...so that's alittle scary!

Lot 41

Anonymous said...

Thanks for catching that...you're right. Only 16 votes are needed from phases 1 and 2. It's still a little scary! I'll ask Mandy to correct that. Maybe we should put a notice on mailboxes so all can see why we feel this is not a good thing? Just a thought!


Jennifer said...

I'd almost have to assume that most people in the neighborhood want to uphold the integrity of our original covenants by voting "no" on this subject, but others might possibly assume that the yards in phase three will be no concern to them anyway, considering we don't have to directly see them everyday since they are in the back of the community. Lets just hope that is not the case...I personally believe that in order for a community to thrive...we ALL should be held to the same standards, no matter the phase and certainly no matter the builder. My question is, since we are getting to vote on this issue, why were we not involved in the decisions reguarding the posting of all the flags? I understand the need for Freestone to advertise for thier new homes, but come on!It looks like a carnival with all these flags and signs! Does anyone else think this is just abit too much?I was under the impression our "Grandfirs" flags on 86th AVE were supposed to be community flags, not more Freestone flags. Why can these flags not be placed outside the south gates, where indeed, the homes are going to be Freestone homes? Its a bit much, in my opinion, and most definitely, I would have liked a chance to vote.

Jim Ehnborn said...

I agree with Lisa and the other comments 100%. There is no reason to change the CC&R’S for Phase 3 to not require a sprinkler system in the front yards and planting strips. We are building ONE COMMUNITY.
I will be voting to reject the proposed change.

I agree with Jennifer about having TOO MANY FLAGS ON both streets and looking like a carnival. I keep looking for the ferris wheel and tilt-a-whirl. I like to ride them.

I will be voting to amend the CC&R’s to remove the term “declarant” and replacing it with “the Association”. It prevents another developer from trying to exercise the same control and power used by Michael Mastro to meet his needs and “blow us off”.

Michelle said...

Hey Jen,

If I was one of the votes that you thought might come through in favor of allowing the change...I voted to reject it. We talked about it before and I know in the beginning I thought it might be okay and now I can see how ridiculous that thought was. I am with all of you, and I think they need to be required. Just look at the house next to me without irrigation to see what can happen.

I know this is off the subject as well, but I thought I'd bring it up here anyway. I am still okay with the gates being open during the day. I really want homes to sell quickly. With that being said, there was a promise from the builders that all construction traffic would use the back gate. Since my home backs up to the street, I get to hear the big trucks and their Jake brakes. I have called both builders and have spoken to realtors and on site construction crews about using the back gate. They all agreed to do so. In fact, Freestone even sent out a memo to all their employees from what I understand. Believe me it has improved from 3-6 large semi trucks per hour coming and going, but there are a few left. If anyone sees them coming in can you help remind them to use the back gate. I had one person tell me that I chose to buy a house with a street behind it. I agree that I did make that choice after carfeul consideration and spending time out there to hear the noise level. We can not hear cars going by unless they are going at high speeds. The trucks are a different story and they speed. I think that just because I chose to buy a house that backs up to the street does not mean that we have to endure the noise level that we have been putting up with beginning at 6:30 in the AM from the big trucks speeding.

Again, I am just asking for a little help and friendly reminders to all construction vehicles that you encounter coming through the gates.


Mandy said...

Michelle, regarding the construction vehicle issue... keep me posted on that. Scott from Freestone has said that he's asked the workers (more than once) to use the south gate. He had a sign placed at the north gate that addresses this, but I feel that the sign isn't in the best place and that it goes unnoticed.

I'll bring this issue up to Freestone again. Thanks for posting about it.

Tim & Tricia Garber said...

We rejected the new CCRs. We want them to have sprinklers too.