Monday, March 1, 2010

Next Clean-Up Party

After conferring with a couple of neighbors, we'd like to try for another work party during the weekend of March 13-14.

Saturday, March 13:
-Branch/debris removal along 231st.
-Flag removal along 86th fenceline. If you live in one of those homes, the crew will need access to your backyard for a few minutes. If you're able to remove the flags yourself, just leave them in front of your house and the crew can pick them up.

Sunday, March 14:
-Lawn mowing (and edging if needed). Are you or your teenager willing to mow a section of common area lawn?
-Help with removal of grass clipppings. Is anyone opposed to spreading the clippings in an empty lot? It's great for keeping the weeds down!
-Help with sidewalk cleanup (anyone have a blower?).

If you are available to work on one or both days, please leave a comment (with your availability) so we know how many to expect. Thank you SO MUCH for your help!

1 comment:

Jim Ehnborn said...

I'll help for about 2 hours on either Sat or Sun with my mower, broom and wheel barrow.