Monday, January 11, 2010

Sale of Lots

Winterwood Green, Jerry Mahan's corporation, purchased 23 lots from Sterling bank (11 lots in Phase 2 and 12 lots in Phase 3). The banks still own the other 295 vacant lots.

Jim E, Michelle and the board will do everything possible to keep an eye on any building permits filed in Phase 1. We need to make sure the homes comply with the CC&Rs for Phase 1 (exterior requirements, square footage, etc).


Paige said...

I'm not quite sure how to respond to this. I was under assumption when we gave our $150, that we were all interested in the same thing. Now I'm finding out that the main focus is Phase 1 and there's not enough funds for 2 or 3. I understand that the people in Phase 1 are concerned about what is going to be built behind or next to them and although you don't see Phase 2, that is what is in my backyard. We wouldn't have talked to the people on our street & gotten them on board had we known Phase 2 wasn't as important. I'm very concerned on how all of this is all turning out. Why are we just now finding out there's not enough money to fight for Phase 2?

Jim Ehnborn said...

We are trying to get the CCRs changed back for Phase 2 and protect the CCRs for Phase 1. Phase 2 is a very difficult issue. We have a meeting scheduled next week with the banks that now have title to the remaining vacant lots in Phase 2.

Jerry Mahan has advertised 11 new homes to be built in Phase 1 ranging from $239,950 to $294,950 with sq. ft. ranging from 2,040 to 3044. We are trying to insure that they comply with the CCRs.

Rob said...

I agree with Paige, if were saying my money from Phase #2 is only going towards Phase #1. Jim maybe you could contact me at your convenience and update me on were we are at with the courts and HOA.


253-332-9154 cell

Anonymous said...

It looks like we are in definite need of another meeting. I think there is just alot of confusion on what the fight is now, as opposed to the fight 3 months ago.

Mandy said...

Jim is actually setting up a community meeting for the last week of January (exact date/time TBD). Jim, Mark and Michelle are meeting tonight to come up with an agenda for the Jan 21 meeting with the banks.

As soon as I know a date/time for the community meeting, I'll let people know.

Also, it looks like Jerry Mahan is using Renaissance Homes as the builder for his 11 lots in Phase 1. I checked their website, and assuming I have the correct Renaissance Homes, it looks like they build a nice house. And according to the listings, the style and square footage fits within our range. While I don't know Jerry personally, I know people who have worked very closely with him for years. He seems to have a great reputation and I doubt he's the type who will go out of his way to cause problems for our neighborhood.

Michelle Spencer said...

I just want to assure everyone that the agenda has NOT changed at all. Everything is on track, and Jim and Mark have a scheduled meeting with the bank owners in Phase 2 next week to talk about the future of Grand Firs and the HOA. Trust me when I say that Jim has been working tirelessly to accomlish everything that we talked about at the meeting.

At this point, there is no HOA in place anymore. I spoke with Jim Seldon yesterday and he is no longer the running the HOA and he is not the contact. He is graciously handing over the equipment and codes for the gate tomorrow and hopefully we can have that running correctly soon. He agrees that we need to sit down with the bank and hash out who will run the HOA. Props to Jim and Mark who have put together a very inticing presentation to the bank, and I believe that things are looking up for us.

Without going into detail on the blog about what has specifically been filed with the courts so far, I again will say that everything is on track with what was discussed. I want to assure you that there will be another meeting scheduled to update everyone after nexts weeks meeting with the bank. Jim has put in a request with the fire department, and he is waiting to hear back.