Thursday, May 26, 2011

Help With Lawns

I've been mowing the front lawns at 6 of the 7 vacant Reich homes. They are in transition: Jim Selden has pulled them off the market and they won't be in the possession of the bank until June 17. Jim said the bank has indicated that they will begin maintaining the lawns but not until June 17.

In the meantime, I don't mind continuing with the mowing and Mark has been applying weed killer. But I wonder if anyone is able to help with edging? Nothing fancy... just enough to clean things up a little.

Also, I haven't had a chance to mow the vacant lot on 230th at all. It's pretty bad. Does anyone want to help with that?

Let me know what you can do! Thank you :)


Scott said...

The front lawn at the foreclosure on 230th is cut. It still needs the weed killer though. I did not have any extra on hand to use and I know Mark is using a special type.

While mowing I scared off a young coyote in the backyard so be on the look out!

Your Neighbors said...

Scott, thank you so much!! I noticed it today. What a huge difference!

Scott said...

It will probably need to be cut next week again as I used the highest setting on my primitive push mower! Hopefully it doesn't rain next week!!! :)