Monday, November 29, 2010

Year In Review

As we inch closer to the end of 2010, I find myself thinking about all that has been accomplished in our neighborhood. Some of the items are visible and speak for themselves, but many things have happened behind the scenes. I've tried my best to pass these accomplishments along via the blog, but I thought I'd list them all again:

1. Mastro is no longer associated with our community.
2. We were able to take control of our HOA.
3. We created a Board of Directors and elected officers.
4. The board hired a property management company.
5. The board developed a budget.
6. The property management created and distributed a Good Neighbor Policy and sent out letters to collect 2010 HOA dues.
7. A landscape company was hired and has done a phenomenal job of restoring our common areas.
8. We re-established water and phone service and kept the lights on (just barely!). We're all caught up with our bills.
9. We are insured.
10. Both gates are running and fully functional.
11. Sections of the Phase 3 lighting have been fixed. Sections of our entrance lighting have been fixed. Light bulbs for all of Phase 1 and 2 fixtures will be replaced soon.
12. Our CCRs are being enforced.
13. A neighbor is working on getting a Neighborhood Watch program started.
14. Quality homes are being built/sold by two builders.

I'm sure I'm leaving some things out, but these are the items that come to mind.

Hope to see everyone at the next meeting! If you can't make it, remember to send in your proxy form so you can still vote. Also still looking for a couple of people to bring some snacks.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Mark and I can bring snacks.