Friday, July 31, 2009

Twine FYI

The following is a comment left by Allen regarding a possible twine hazard. I thought I'd re-post his comment for all to see.

Well regarding kids on the streets. This morning I woke up and went out for my morning run and I noticed that there was some twine lying across the end of my driveway. Well I followed it back to where it was tied and someone had tied it to a water drain. It was probably strung up across the street in the middle of the night for someone to run into. I can't confirm that it was kids but one would only assume. I would hate for someone to get injured or property damaged because some kids thinks it is funny to do destructive things.

Thanks for the heads-up, Allen.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Volunteers to Spread Bark

Nancy's husband (lot 23) is able to get bark through his place of employment, and has offered to pick up a load to spread at the park. Nancy says the availability of the bark is a day-to-day deal, so we can't really set a date on when it will arrive. She said her family can help with the spreading, and I will try my best to be there as well. If you're able to show up and help at a minute's notice, email with your phone number and we'll give you a call!

Thanks for the offer, Nancy.

And on a side note.. anonymous comments on the blog are fine and Jen and I don't want to disable that feature. However, anonymous posts that attack specific people or attack the blog will be deleted. If someone has a personal problem with the blog, they may email us with their concerns. Thankfully, the majority of those who participate on the blog offer constructive ideas and thoughts. It's okay to disagree as long as it's done in a polite manner.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Update: Dog Located

Dani's dog is home. Thanks to Amy who let us know!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

An Idea - Neighborhood Committee

If you were at the firehouse meeting, you might recall Jim Ehnborn mentioning a neighborhood committee to help enforce CC&Rs. The topic was brought up but we somehow skipped to something else, and never went back to Jim's idea.

If we were to elect a committee of 2-3 homeowners, they would be the points of contact regarding CC&R issues. In turn, they would see that the community rules are being enforced (by way of a friendly conversation or a reminder letter to the offender). The committee would basically be an unofficial HOA board.

The blog has been a good place for people to voice concerns, but it might be time to take the next step and elect a few good people to take some action.

Suggestions are welcome, as always!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Park Repair Jobs

As several people have probably noticed, the bench and trash can holder in Grand Central Park have been destroyed. The bench needs two 2x4's replaced. The trash can holder needs several new boards, maybe 1x2's? Both look like easy fixes. Several of the tree stakes have been pulled from the ground, and garbage is beginning to accumulate. I cleaned some trash yesterday but couldn't get to all of it.

Does anyone have a little time to fix these items? Or does anyone have some extra lumber laying around to donate?

And does anyone know who is responsible for the park vandalism?

Thanks in advance if anyone can help out with the repairs!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Loud, Loitering Kids

A neighbor has asked for a post regarding this issue. Now that summer is here, there are large numbers of kids congregating in the street at night, sometimes as late as 10-10:30pm. They are loud and often don't move out of the way of cars. Parents, please discuss the following points with your kids:
  • While the kids might be on summer vacation, the adults still have to go to work. Noise carries, and it keeps people awake at night. (It also keeps young ones with early bedtimes awake.)
  • Streets are for cars, sidewalks are for pedestrians. Drivers should not have to honk to get a group of 10-15 kids to move from the street.
  • Remember that not everyone has kids. While some of these issues might not be a big deal to the parents, it might be a big deal to those who don't have kids. It's important to be courteous to all.

My husband (as well as others) has talked to some of the neighborhood kids about their behavior, but it's really up to the parents to take responsibility for their kids. Thanks :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reminder About Trailers, RVs, Etc

A few people have emailed us asking for a reminder to be posted about trailers, RVs, etc. According to the CC&Rs, these items need to be stored behind a fence and out of view from the street.

July 4th

We're a few days away from the Fourth of July. People have different opinions on fireworks and whether they should be discharged within the community. For those who choose to light fireworks, please remember to be thoughtful of your neighbors. We live in close proximity to one another and need to be courteous. That being said, the following is a list of precautions from Pierce County Fire:

1. Designate a responsible adult to light fireworks. Do not let children light them. (Remember, even sparklers can burn at temperatures of 1800ยบ, nearly hot enough to melt gold!)

2. Use fireworks only outdoors, away from anything that can burn such as trees, buildings, bark dry fields, or wood storage areas.

3. Keep a bucket of water nearby to place all used fireworks in before final disposal. Have a connected water hose or fire extinguisher nearby to put out stray sparks.

4. Light one item at a time, move away quickly, and keep at a safe distance until the display is finished.

5. Duds can be dangerous! If a device does not light or fire, wait at least five minutes and approach it carefully. Do not try to relight. Place it in a bucket of water to soak.

6. Never throw fireworks at people, cars, pets or things that burn.

7. Never hold fireworks in your hands, or discharge them in glass or metal containers.

8. Keep pets indoors, with doors and windows closed tightly. Be sure they have identification tags in case they become frightened and run away.

9. In case someone is injured know basic first aid, the emergency number to call, and your address/location.

10. Dispose of used fireworks after soaking in a trash can with water when finished. Don’t leave a mess.

In unincorporated Pierce County fireworks may be discharged on PRIVATE property with
the permission of the property owner. Be sure to follow the fireworks manufacturer’s safety precautions.